
Keith Burgun Games

Created by Keith Burgun

Two wizards engage in an original magic-battle on a bridge guarded by a dragon - all in a super-portable 36-card package!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Halfway there! Updates, and a new comic!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 11:56:16 PM

Hello backers and other friends! Thanks so much for making Dragon Bridge happen! Playtesting is going super well: we have just uploaded version 44 to the PNP and the TTS, so definitely check those out ASAP! The game has been rock solid for awhile and we just keep making improvements - that's a really good feeling. The character abilities in particular have come a long way over the past few weeks.

I've also been working a lot on the Deluxe Edition, and thinking up new ways to make it EVEN MORE DELUXE. We've decided that it's going to have a game board that's arranged kind of like a dragon's nest for the "Nest", with the six cards laid out kind of like this (this is a mockup, the art will look way better):

Imagine that but with like a bird's nest looking thing under it. Once there are six cards in the Nest, the dragon takes off.

I also realized that the 6 Green Gems are likely to get the most wear and tear, especially for Deluxe purchasers, so we're gonna use ceramic card-tiles like these for those. That should be pretty cool. And trying to come up with the best way to do white gems - probably some kind of cool coins or tokens.

Of course, the Deluxe Version will also come with the base version (in its box!) and the expansion (in its box) inside it, so you'll always have that as a travel/backup version as well.

Another big thing I'm doing is making a really elaborate and detailed manual for the Deluxe Edition. I'm pretty pumped about it.


Other than that I've just been scrambling to try and find new ways to let people out there know about Dragon Bridge. It's such a cool game and this Kickstarter is a really awesome opportunity to get it into people's hands, so I want to take full advantage of that. Current KickTraq projections have it somewhere between 3-4k which is great, but I think we can do better!

If you're a fan of the game, please post on Boardgamegeek, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Reddit, or whereever else you hang out and let others know! It'd mean a lot to me.

Oh and if you didn't check it already, check out this new comic featuring two of the expansion characters!

Talk to you soon!

We're 100% FUNDED in one week!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 03:36:21 PM

YOU DID IT! Dragon Bridge is officially happening! This is a big deal! And now we still have three weeks left to go to hit some STRETCH GOALS! Check 'em out here or on the campaign page!

Follow us on FB here!

Like us on BGG here!

Like us on Twitter here!

Also of course you can tell your friends about the project to help us get the word out and get some of these stretch goals hit!

Day 5 update - and our Twitch channel!
over 4 years ago – Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 12:16:04 AM

Hey everyone, thank you so much for backing and following this project. I just got off a big playtest of the latest version of the game with the expansion and it was a BLAST! Over the next week I intend to launch the print-and-play version of the BRIDGE HACKING EXPANSION, and I'm really excited to do so. I have three more characters to draw, two more items, and a little bit of graphic design left to do and that's it.

You can watch me do a lot of this art over at my Twitch channel over the next week, so stay tuned: I love when people come by and give their thoughts on what I'm working on. Today, I made this, a new character for the expansion!

We're already at just under 80% funded, but we can always use more noise about the game. In particular if anyone's active on Boardgamegeek, posting on there would be amazing! Thanks so much for reading and you'll hear from me again SOON!

We're on our way! Come visit the Discord!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 01:36:23 AM

Above: May Danaris, a WHITE faction character in the expansion

Hey everyone! WOO! Things are going pretty well as of day two! First thing I wanna do is share with you a preview of the BRIDGE HACKING EXPANSION rules - check those out HERE and let us know what you think!

We had a KILLER first day - we're just about at 60% for Day 2. With that said, I'm hoping we can keep this momentum going: I put a LOT of *Marketing Energy* into yesterday and I'm mostly tapped out of places to post or people to reach out to, so, I could use your help!

Here's a few things you can do to help us out:

  • If you're on Facebook, share the pinned post here!
  • On Twitter you can share this post!
  • Engage with us over at our boardgamegeek entry!
  • Make fanart or other cool stuff and tag @keithburgungames!

Thanks again everyone for making this a really fun and not crushingly depressing Kickstarter! :) Please reach out if you have any questions or comments about the game.

Love, Keith!

About a third of the way there already! Here's a comic!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 11:47:38 AM

Hey my beautiful and wonderful first backers! I made this graphic earlier, but we're actually at more like 33% of something at the time of this writing!!! THANK YOU so much for backing!! Feeling really good about how it's going so far.

I wanted to share with you a new magazine I'm working on. This one has a little comic about two of the characters, a reveal of a new character for the expansion, and a bunch of other stuff. Let me know what you think!

Also we have a bunch of articles and stuff over at about the game if you want to know more - definitely go check all that out too.

Much love, and thanks for making this a great start! <3