Two wizards engage in an original magic-battle on a bridge guarded by a dragon - all in a super-portable 36-card package!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dragon Bridge should be arriving mid-late October
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 06:25:47 PM
I put the main piece of information in the headline!
I just talked to my distribution people and assuming there aren't any hiccups, you should be getting your extra-fancy, deluxe and nice copies of DRAGON BRIDGE mailed to you just about two months from now.
Thanks so much for your patience!
In the meantime, if you like the Gem Wizards universe (the universe that Dragon Bridge takes place in), I'm also working on a turn-based tactical strategy game called Gem Wizards Tactics which you should check out. Here's a video I made about it a little while back.
Make sure you're signed up for my mailing list if you want more information about that, as well as future Dragon Bridge updates (which will also be here on the Kickstarter, don't worry!). I want to figure out a way to make a digital version of Dragon Bridge, and I'm also thinking about possibly doing a larger expansion for the game.
Thanks so much everyone for supporting Dragon Bridge! I'm sure you're going to be really pleased with it! :D
- Keith
Sample Copy is here!
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 10:10:52 PM
Behold! The unboxing of the game. I did this today on my daily stream (over at There's a few errors that I hope to be able to fix before printing the final version. But Jenny and I played a bunch of games and it was super fun!
The quality of the thing overall is way better than I was expecting. It's REALLY NICE! I especially love the tuck box travel version that comes inside the larger box. That's a cool thing. And the LORE BOOK featuring comics! Anyway, excited to get it to you, I'm moving as fast as I can. Stay tuned! <3
It's real! Photos of the very first prints of Dragon Bridge components!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 04:37:47 PM
Exciting news! Last night I got the first images from the initial printing of Dragon Bridge! It's REAL! Everything except for the cards, and the tuckbox for the more portable "pocket" version, are visible here!
It actually came out even better than I expected and I can't wait to play with it. More news soon! Also, I don't know how I'm going to do it yet, but at some point I really want to make a digital version of this game.
Also, if you haven't noticed already, the surveys went out, so please make sure to fill those out. And if you missed it, the Print and Play version of Dragon Bridge is available and up to date over at
Thank you so much everyone for supporting the game and for being understanding about the delays. It is coming late, but it is coming! And it will be WAY better than expected.
Stay safe everyone! <3
Surveys, printing, and more!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, May 22, 2020 at 12:44:31 PM
Hi everybody! How are you holding up? I hope things are going well and you're safe and finding good ways to be social with people. Before I get into the news, I wanted to remind everyone that if you're a Tabletop Simulator fan, you can play Dragon Bridge with your friends on TTS with this official Dragon Bridge module, which is updated to the latest version! I'm hoping to bring Dragon Bridge to other digital platforms soon, and maybe even someday make it a digital version.
Okay, so! News:
The printing process has begun! Between Covid-19 lockdowns (and a few of my own screwups in setting up the image files correctly), things got delayed a little while. I'm not sure what the new shipping date will be, but I think it's pretty safe to say that we aren't going to meet our original shipping goals of June 2020. I think Kickstarters across the board are being delayed, so hopefully you can understand. I'm hoping to minimize the delay to just 1 or 2 months, but I'll have a better idea once I reach the next stage (should be in a few weeks).
Keep an eye out for surveys! We're going to first do a 5% smoke test soon, but after that all of the surveys should go out to everyone. If you have questions let me know and I can add them to our Backer Kit FAQ page. At that point, you'll be able to make modifications to your pledge.
Other than that, I'd like to remind you that I have a daily Twitch streaming show, M-F at 2PM EST where I play games, talk about game design, and work on my upcoming turn-based tactical wargame, Gem Wizards Tactics. Here's a little video of that game if you'd like to see how it's coming along (it takes place in the same universe as Dragon Bridge, and many of the same characters are involved).
Anyway - next time you hear from us it'll be in survey form. And from there, we'll let you know about a new shipping date. Thank you so much for your support and your understanding!
Also, as always, you are more than welcome to join our Discord community here!
A really quick update!
almost 5 years ago
– Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 04:43:19 AM
Hey y'all! So the short story on Dragon Bridge is that it's a little bit delayed because of these reasons:
1. Our print shop had to shut down for awhile due to Covid-19, right as we were getting ready to send materials off
2. I actually got Covid-19 (well, I wasn't tested, but I'm pretty sure I had it)! It was a pretty mild case, but still intense enough to disrupt stuff (especially combined with just how weird everything else is in life right now!)
3. Over the past few weeks though I've been going back and forth via email with our print shop and hammering out a few remaining small details for the print. This is my first time doing a real tabletop game and I made some mistakes in the design phase, like working in Photoshop, so there have been a few little hiccups. Nothing to worry about, but just things like getting the templates all exactly correct and things like that. Lots of small annoying things!
Hopefully the shipping stuff will go OK and won't be too disrupted by what's been going on, but I'll keep you all posted. In the meantime, if you want, I invite you to come hang out on the Discord. We can play TTS games of Dragon Bridge, discuss game design, and a lot more.
Thanks so much for your patience! See you around! <3